Likes wet soil

Artemisia douglasiana

Douglas mugwort is my favorite of the species of Artemisia that we grow.  It is native to sunny streambanks and partly shady riparian areas of several western states from Oregon to Mexico... more->

Scutellaria barbata

Barbed skullcap is native to southeast Asia including China and Taiwan, often growing on the edges of rice paddies.  The fresh plant is used as a vulnerary to help heal wounds and as an anti-... more->

Juncus effusus

Soft rush is a great native wetland plant to have around a pond or swale.  Its round, straight stems form a graceful fountain shape, while its rhizomes decrease soil erosion.  The roots and stems... more->

Sidalcea hendersonii

Henderson's checkermallow is commonly found along the Washington coast, but a few populations grow further south here along the Oregon coast.  In the hollyhock family, this perennial grows up to... more->

Scutellaria lateriflora

This species of skullcap is native to moist meadows over a wide area in North America.  It is the most popular and common skullcap among herbalists in the U.S.

The tea or tincture of the... more->

Anemopsis californica

Yerba mansa is a creeping herbaceous perennial with white flowers that prefers wet soil and warm sun.  Native to California and the Southwest, in our climate it may do best grown in a... more->

Asclepias syriaca

Common milkweed is very similar to our native showy milkweed, but native to eastern North America. This species is just as showy as the showy milkweed in our garden but a little more pink than... more->

Aralia californica

Although some know it as California ginseng, elk clover, or spikenard, I think Oregon ginseng is quite fitting for a plant that inhabits shady, moist seasonal creeks in deep coniferous forests as... more->

Urtica dioica ssp. gracilis

Stinging nettle is an herbaceous plant that grows in wet soil, often along river beds and stream sides. It spreads below ground by rhizomes but will not spread where it gets dry. Nettles are an... more->

Artemisia ludoviciana

Native to Oregon and much of North America, western mugwort is a rhizomatous perennial with beautiful gray-green foliage composed of long, strap-like leaves. Its yellow-white flowers bloom in... more->

Sagittaria latifolia and cuneata

Wapato is a perennial plant that is native throughout North America. Historically, it was a staple food crop for people wherever it grew and continues to be a popular native food plant. Tubers... more->

Artemisia vulgaris

This is the official mugwort native to temperate Europe, Asia, and north Africa often referenced in witches spells and potions.  It is a very strong cooling bitter that I like to use in apple... more->

Grindelia integrifolia

This native perennial in the sunflower family grows into a small shrub each season, bearing yellow flowers covered in sticky white resin. It thrives in sunny spots with moisture and tolerates... more->

Hierocloe odorata

Sweetgrass is native to northern North America and Eurasia.  It is a very hardy spreading perennial grass that his a history of multiple uses by native Americans and Europeans. We reccomend that... more->

Ribes laxiflorum

This currant is native to the Northwest, growing along streams in partial shade. The delicate pink flowers bloom in spring and the delicious purple fruit ripens in early summer.  It does not have... more->

Sidalcea campestris

Native to sunny meadows and dappled shade of open woodlands in the Willamette Valley, meadow checkermallow created a gorgeous display of light pink blossoms up to 6 feet tall.  In the shade it may... more->

Lupinus polyphyllus

This perennial produces massive flowering stalks several feet tall that smell sweet and attract bees.  Native to wetlands in the Willamette Valley and the Pacific Northwest, it performs really... more->

Tolmiea menziesii

Pig-a-back plant is a trailing perennial ground cover native west of the Cascades that prefers moist forests and shady stream sides where soil is moist throughout the year. It blooms in late... more->

Rubus parviflorus

Native to the Pacific Northwest, thimbleberries produce delicate, thimble shaped raspberry-like fruit atop canes up to 5 feet tall.  The pretty white flowers in spring brighten up shady corners of... more->

Althea officinalis

This perennial herb has soft leaves, beautiful hibiscus-like white and pink flowers, and provides a healing herbal medicine. Marshmallow roots are the original source of the slimy mucilage used... more->

Sisyrinchium idahoense var. idahoense

A small but beautiful perennial native wildflower that prefers moist soil and sun, blue eyed grass grows less than a foot tall and makes clusters of small purple flowers in early summer. A great... more->

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