Attracts pollinators

Vaccinium vitis-idaea

Lingonberry is a low growing evergreen shrub/groundcover with delicious tart red berries, Very popular in cooking and food preservation in Scandinavia, where they are wild harvested and cultivated... more->

Allium fistulosum

This purple and white onion grows round bulbs in clusters that are firm, crisp, and have delicious savory flavor. more->

Gentiana tibetica

Native to the hills of western China and Tibet, this medicinal perennial likes rich, moist soil and sun.  In mid-summer, it grows up to 2 feet tall with showy white blossoms.  While so many... more->

Ribes menziesii

This prickly and upright gooseberry shrub is native to California and Oregon.  It produces profusions of intricate red and white flowers that look like they are turned inside out.  If you are... more->

Asarum caudatum

A beautiful native forest ground cover, wild ginger likes to grow in moist soil in shady areas. You will find it wild near creeks and on wet hillsides in the shade. Glossy heart-shaped leaves... more->

Linnaea borealis

Twinflower is a sweet native wildflower less than a foot tall with elegant bell-shaped white and pink flower clusters. It tolerates full shade and grows as a ground cover in woodlands. more->

Rubus parviflorus

Native to the Pacific Northwest, thimbleberries produce delicate, thimble shaped raspberry-like fruit atop canes up to 5 feet tall.  The pretty white flowers in spring brighten up shady corners of... more->

Ceanothus gloriosus

A broadleaf evergreen native to coastal California, this shrub is an excellent ground cover for sunny slopes, especially rock walls and rock gardens.  It grows up to 2 feet tall and will grow 5-6... more->

Oxalis oregana 'Klamath Red'

A beautiful shade-tolerant ground cover, the native Oregon wood sorrel spreads happily on the forest floor, or a shady garden floor.  It likes lots of organic matter and shade.  If it does not... more->

Valeriana officinalis

Valerian is an herbaceous perennial with flowering stalks up to 6 feet tall, bearing tiny white flowers with a fragrance like honey. The musky sweet roots are used in tea or tincture as a nervine... more->

Allium tricoccum

Ramps are a wild onion native to the eastern US and Canada.  They grow in the thick duff of the dappled shade in the understory of somehat open forest canopies.  Ramps appreciate the moist summers... more->

Geranium oreganum

A beautiful perennial native to Oregon, Oregon geranium is very showy.  Growing about a foot in height and wide, it has profuse pink blooms in late spring and early summer.  It thrives in full sun... more->

Ribes nigrum 'Black September'

European black currants have a very distinct musky flavor which is prized by many in Europe and the U.S. We love these fruit and make a honey and currant jam that our toddler eats by the spoonful... more->

Asclepias incarnata

Unlike some milkweed species, swamp milkweed is a clumping perennial and does not spread by rhizomes. It has deep pink flower clusters on a two to three foot stalk. It is a host plant for monarch... more->

Lomatium californicum

Native to dry, brushy and forested hill slopes in northern California and southern Oregon, this is the largest species of biscuitroot that we grow.  I've seen it up to 4 feet tall and several feet... more->

Rudbeckia occidentalis

A rudbeckia native to Oregon, this wildflower has a unique bloom that resembles Echinacea or Rdbeckia but with no petals. A perennial plant, when grown in full sun and garden soil, flower stalks... more->

Ceanothus thrysiflorus

Blue blossom, also known as California lilac, is a fabulous showy broadleaf evergreen shrub.  Lilac colored flowers bloom in mid to late spring and have a wonderful fragrance.  Native to coastal... more->

Passiflora caerula

Fabulous flowers on this semi-evergreen vine. The complex blue flowers bloom mid summer to fall. This vine is reasonably hardy and can grow a lot in one season. During cold winters it may die... more->


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