We grow this tender annual each year at the same timing as tomatoes and basil in our garden. In July and August, it produces striking yellow and red flower heads without any ray flowers, giving... more->
We spent 13 years building an abundant fruit forest, annual veggie beds, perennial medicinal herbs, and a healthy mixed hardwood-coniferous forest and now we've sold our property to the next stewards so that we can begin a new homesteading project in Vermont closer to our best friends and their kids.
Don't worry - we plan to keep this website up and running so that our customers can reference what we've written about our plants!
We'll let you know once we re-start a farm in Vermont!
We grow this tender annual each year at the same timing as tomatoes and basil in our garden. In July and August, it produces striking yellow and red flower heads without any ray flowers, giving... more->
This Kenyan species of toothache plant grows as a ground cover or vine. It's sensitive to frost but makes a great medicinal annual plant for our climate. We occasionally grow the vines in... more->
Though we usually propagate perennials, this annual mallow is a staple of our summer and fall diet because it is so prolific. So we planted a few seeds into pots to make sure we could share this... more->
Growing up to 5 feet tall, this sticky-leaved flowering tobacco produces drooping white flowers that are one of the most sweet and fragrant blossoms I know. They will fill the garden with perfume... more->
Bright yellow-orange flowers abound on these sun-loving plants. Although calendula is an annual that doesn't survive the winter well, it faithfully self-sows in our garden and emerges each spring... more->